Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fabulous Cupcakes from RoxyCakes in Canada.
Cashmere Coat JCrew

RangeRover 2008

Santa Baby....
Hey Santa! Just in case you are reading my blog, I want you to know I have been an awful good girl this year. I worked hard, I don't think I sinned at all, I ate really healthy foods hmm well most of the time. I was good to the earth, my neighbor and I am always thankful for what I already have. So Santa Baby, please please please listen. The above are the things I really want for Christmas. I don't have to have ALL of them at the same time. My birthday is coming up in March, so I can wait to get a couple of them until 2009.

Santa Baby, I know the economy is not looking so good right now and so I understand some of these items may be a bit out of your budget...But Santa Baby just in case you need a little bit of help paying for my presents, you can always contact Washington and see if they will give you a loan or bail out package or a stimulus check to help pay for my presents. Well, Santa Baby I have to get to bed it's getting late. So, I will just wait and see what you decide to bring me on Christmas Eve, and know that no matter what happens I still love you and won't be mad if I can't grant all my wishes. Hugs, Sandra

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